Risker och möjligheter med SharePoint 2010

Den som jobbar med intranät kommer så småningom till en diskussion om SharePoint, detta verktyg — eller denna utvecklingsmiljö — som väcker så starka åsikter. Du får ingen åsikt av mig men väl ett tips om ett nytt whitepaper att ladda ner.

Det är Mark Morell som skrivit The risks and rewards of SharePoint 2010 och Mark har koll på läget. Jag har haft en del kontakt med honom genom åren och han imponerar med sitt totala fokus på att skapa nytta för användarna samtidigt som han är verkligt insatt i SharePoint.

Ur innehållet:

  • Help guide an organisation from initial consideration of SP 2010 through to the first day of a successful implementation and, most importantly, beyond
  • Provide guidance on how to ensure an effective content governance framework, and define organisational standards
  • Show you how to incorporate automated compliance solutions to help protect against non-compliant or inappropriate content
  • Highlight how to make the right technology decisions for your business to maximise the rewards that collaboration brings and avoid any risks or pitfalls

1 kommentar

  1. Hi Frederick,

    It is about one year since we first met in Stockholm at the IntraTeam conference. It was a great pleasure to meet you as well as discuss intranets.

    A lot has changed for me since then with me leaving BT and becoming an intranet pioneer. 🙂

    Thank you for promoting my blog post and the kind words you use to describe it.

    I am in Stockholm and Goteborg from 15 – 21 November either speaking ast a conference, consultancy and some leisure time.

    If there is any chance of meeting you at a mutually convenient place in Sweden please let me know.


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