Site icon Webbrådgivaren Fredrik Wackå

Mät det som räknas på din webb

Traditionell webbstatistik är många gånger meningslös. 10 sidvisningar är inte bättre än 5. Inte alltid och inte i princip. Min kollega Gerry McGovern tipsar om ett enkelt, betydligt viktigare sätt att mäta webb.

Jag har varit inne på webbstatistikens brister förr och Gerry fyller på.

However, many websites have an even deeper problem; they are obsessed with volume. You’d be surprised how many web managers measure their success by how many pages were looked at, and/or how many people visited the site.

Gerrys och även mitt råd är enkelt. Skala ned. Skala av. Mät det som betyder något.

We need to radically simplify how we measure the success of our websites. Here’s how:
Identify the top three tasks of your website
Give these tasks to your customers and measure whether or not they are able to complete them.

If you’re a university, a top task should be to find a course. Observe potential students as they try to find a course on your website. If you’re a health website, finding out the symptoms for a particular disease is probably a top task. How easy is it to do that? If you’re running an intranet, finding other people is unquestionably a top task. How easy is it to do that?

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