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Livet är en beta-version

I avdelningen ”filosofi som ger aha-upplevelser” vill jag peka på Hans Henriks påbörjade manifest för beta som idé. Att betrakta inte bara nya webbtjänster utan allt från innovationsprocesser till hela företag såsom ett konstant beta-tillstånd.

Livet är en beta, skulle man kunna säga. Kommentera och lägg till punkter för beta-manifestet hos Hans Henrik.

  1. being in beta is a natural state of life. Everything aroundus is either evolving or dying.
  2. beta is playing. Experimenting. Trying.
  3. beta is constant learning.
  4. beta is profiting in the true nature of the word “profit”. Making progress.
  5. beta is never perfect. Never completely without fault. Just like any human being. Everything can be made better. Allways. Achieving temporary perfection is better than aspiring for the ultimate perfection that is never reached.
  6. beta is release as soon as it is safe. But never sooner. Only daredevils flies planes in beta or takes unfinished medicine.
  7. beta is a natural state of things. Your body is in perpetual beta until you die (maybe..)
  8. beta is evolution. Many small gradual changes. Suddenly they may seem like giant leaps.
  9. beta is revolution. Not completely in control. Just like the real world.
  10. beta is open. Ready for dialogue. Open for change. Positive for co-creation.
  11. beta stands for things that changes. Change with consistancy.
  12. beta creates feedback loops for companies, individuals and products.
  13. beta is honest. Not superficial.
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