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Fallstudier: Intranät 2.0

Två ytliga men intressanta exempel på hur intranät blir allt mer sociala. Och framförallt — en lysande intranätsfunktion som jag aldrig hört talats om.

Web 2.0 is content that matters

On Sabre Town, users can post a question to the entire organization, and the site’s inference or relevance engine will automatically send the question to the 15 most relevant employees (based on what they’ve entered in their profile, blog postings and other Q&As that have been previously posted). The results have been spectacular: 60% of questions are answered within one hour (one hour!); each question receives an average of 9 responses.The system has already led to more than $150,000 in immediate, direct savings for the company, with much greater benefits not yet measured.

Jag kan riktigt se munnen vattnas hos många av de intranätredaktörer jag känner 🙂

Till ett mer vardagligt exempel, om man nu kan säga det om att skapa ett socialt nätverk på sitt intranät.

Before they implemented their own employee social networking site, BT (British Telecom) discovered that 4,000 employees had voluntarily joined a BT Facebook community in their own time. Employees were connecting online, in their own time, talking about BT, and BT wasn’t part of the conversation.

While BT’s management was reluctant to introduce these tools to employees, they really had little choice: employees were already using them and BT was in danger of being left out, and left behind. In addition to social networking, BT employees blog, podcast, collaborate in discussion forums, and they wiki too. In fact, the wikis are so popular and successful that there are more than 500,000 employee wikis – and the vast, vast majority of them are dedicated to business topics that help BT compete in the global workplace.

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